Cavity Closers
Acting as a seal in a traditionally built construction, a cavity closer can be used to protect against water ingress and damp entering the cavity wall.
Preferred Manufacturers : Eurocell / Cavalock
Product Code : Standard Closer, Bigblok Closer, Strucural Closer and Flameblok
Key Features
Part L Compliant 0.45w/m2K
Fully BBA and NHBC approved (Standard Closer, Bigblok Closer and Flameblok)
Made from 100% recycled materials (Standard Closer, Bigblok Closer and Flameblok)
Designed to accept dea (Strucural Closer)
60 minute integrity and 60 minute insulation in traditional build (Flameblok)
Cavity closers can also help to alleviate heat loss and prevent the spread of fire through any potential gaps between the wall and the windows or door frames.
We manufacture in-house the cavity closers for Eurocell and Cavalok, so you can be certain of quality.
Please get in touch if you require a quote for cavity closers, even if the cavity closers are to be used with windows from alternative suppliers.
CONTACT US +44 (0)1359 244299